Near the Old Man of Storr, Scotland I took this in 2004

Sunday, March 8, 2009

One Day of the Year

Happy International Women's Day!!!!

I hope today you will participate in random acts of anarchy, coupled with enthusiastic bouts of joy!!!

It's just one day a year, so enjoy it. I guess it's kinda like Christmas, or as I prefer, crismas, but without the tree, presents or hymns..though, the connection's still valid :)

And if you haven't yet done it, please sign the save the seal petition on the left; it's important.

And while we celebrate the fact that we, in many countries can and do enjoy many freedoms we are lucky enough to take for granted, today will be a day like any other for many other women, all over the world, and right here in my so-called liberated land, nevermind, in my city. Today will sadly be like any other; women will be threatened, denied her rights, hurt, abused or murdered.

The numbers of women getting murdered by their fucking husbands is on the rise.

So, while we celebrate for the strides we have made, remember that we can only fully celebrate when we have successfully overthrown and therefore abolished patriarchy forever.