Happy Animal Rights Day!
What are you doing to celebrate?! Here is a link to a page from my website, Interconnectivity- Pro Animal Rights http://protestanimaltesting.wetpaint.com/page/What+we+can+do.
I hope you continue to sign my petition and ask lots of others to sign as well. I'm going to send a fax in the direction of Dr.Suzuki, and keep my fingers crossed!
Here's the link to my petition, which is asking my Canadian government to include animal rights in the constitution http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/put-animal-rights-into-the-constitution
Here are some suggestions:
1) Donate time/money to a volunteer run animal organization
2) Buy/cook for the homeless kitties in your neighbourhood
3) If you aren't a daily vegetarian, do it for the day
4) when you are in your pharmacy today, buying cosmetics or health care items, make sure to ask, loudly, which companies test on animals!
5) ALWAYS boycott Proctor and Gamble, Always!
I cooked organic eggs the other day for the semi-homeless and fully homeless kitties we care for.
Well, whatever you do, I hope it's for the sake of any and all animal beings.
I hope you continue to sign my petition and ask lots of others to sign as well. I'm going to send a fax in the direction of Dr.Suzuki, and keep my fingers crossed!
Here's the link to my petition, which is asking my Canadian government to include animal rights in the constitution http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/put-animal-rights-into-the-constitution
Here are some suggestions:
1) Donate time/money to a volunteer run animal organization
2) Buy/cook for the homeless kitties in your neighbourhood
3) If you aren't a daily vegetarian, do it for the day
4) when you are in your pharmacy today, buying cosmetics or health care items, make sure to ask, loudly, which companies test on animals!
5) ALWAYS boycott Proctor and Gamble, Always!
I cooked organic eggs the other day for the semi-homeless and fully homeless kitties we care for.
Well, whatever you do, I hope it's for the sake of any and all animal beings.