This petition link has passed 700 signatures, which is fantastic, but it still needs more. The more signatures it gets, the closer to my goal of 10,000 signatures I am, and the closer we all are to changing our consciousness and getting animal rights and protections encoded in Canada's constitution. This is the latest posting. To date I have posted this petition 17 times now, 15 times at the above site and twice at All in all, I have over 5,000 signatures combined from all the petition postings. To be exact, I have 5, 573 signatures, I'm more than half way there!
Here are some images from last night's freeze-a-thon aka The Kensington Market Winter Solstice thang. It was supposed to go from 6:30-9, but at 8pm the parade just dissipated and done. I wasn't upset, I was just frozen. First Nations' art and music were out in full force. What I loved the most was the First Nations' musicians were just young guys, and one woman! They were humble as humble, wearing jeans, caps and maintaining their traditions, which is so wonderful to see-- that young people are interested in their culture. I love hearing the singing when the men do their drumming circle, the singing; the loud wailing along with the heavy, steady drum, just pierces my heart.
So, check out my photos , and some of the full moon, too.