Can you guess where that quote is from? It just happens to be one of my favorite films.
Well, dear readers, I am heading off today for the lovely land down theory it's supposed to be for some respite, a break, regrouping and all that jazz, but geez, just the full on stress of packing will be enough to need a vacation from this vacation
Fear not, the kittens and my kitty will all be loved while I'm gone.
I have 2 days of travel to look ? forward to, good times.
So, I will probably be more sporatic than usual with getting to blog, but hopefully not too much.
My cat is a little distressed slashed upset, ok and let's be honest, sad that I'm heading off, she even stayed out for a few hours last night, just to spite me, and not snuggle on my bed. Eventually she came in and snuggle she did.
Here are 2 photos of her with me..she's adorable!
It's a lovely spring day, with prominent floral notes (like wine!)...ah I'll miss the lilacs, they're about to come out..but I have already seen the tulips, hyacinths, forsythias, bleeding hearts, violets, and though not a flower ...chubby robins!