My Nonna is no longer. At 4:33 pm, Saturday, February 5th, Nonna passed away, at home, surrounded by family and friends. Sadly, my sister and I missed her passing by a minute!
She is missed so much. The emptiness we all feel is like a heavy weight; a collective heart break. It still doesn't seem real that our Nonna, who seemed indomitable, who was always there for us, a firm and sturdy anchor, left this world so painfully, but bravely.
She had slipped into a coma a day before, and only resurfaced to briefly smile at everyone waiting around her bed as she left the world.
Now, it's Saturday the 12th and it's snowing again, just like it was last Saturday. I can't believe a week has passed already and Nonna isn't here.
Riposo in pace, Nonna.