Near the Old Man of Storr, Scotland I took this in 2004

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A great Speech!

Watch this great speech by Secretary General Ki-Moon Ban. Ignore the music, it gets a bit loud.
( Everyone calls him by his last name first, which is idiotic)
Mr. Ban is addressing the urgent need for universal human rights for queer people.
It's very powerful!


Two related things,
1) How disgusting that a man is able to murder a young boy, and not get charged with it.

The boy I'm referring to is Treyvon Martin, the 17 year old boy who was buying Skittles for his cousin, and is now dead, because a racist felt afraid of , what exactly? 

Every-fucking body wants a tan, but when another person has more colour to their skin, that's where the buck stops, or the bullet, it seems.

I can't even begin to imagine how the Martin's are feeling, maybe rage, furious anger, sick to  their stomachs.
My heart goes out to them.

We need to all mourn, this is not just a sad, sick day for the Martin's and the rest of their family, nor is it only an "issue" for people of colour, it's an issue for all of us, and remember , we all descended come from the same place, western Africa.

Ubuntu; my humanity is wrapped up in your humanity.

2) A book that needs to be read by all, The Book of Negroes by Canadian  man writer :  people, men, especially, always say "woman doctor", woman writer, etc., to that I say go back to your caves you man holes!
The book is a first-person narrative from a female protagonist about being born free and then her plight into slavery.
It's much like Roots only 
a) It hasn't been plagiarized, as Roots was.
b) The protagonist is female. She written with depth, sensitivity and respect for being female.
c) As painful as it is to read it is well researched and important.