Near the Old Man of Storr, Scotland I took this in 2004

Monday, December 20, 2010

Total Lunar Eclipse

Happy Solstice to you!
The Winter Solstice marks the official a) end of Autumn/ beginning of Winter,
longest night of the year/shortest day (least amount of daylight), will also be a Full Lunar Eclipse, the first in 372 years, or so says National Geographic.

If you're over in my neck of the woods , the eclipse will really get going tomorrow at 2 am. Why do we use that expression, "neck of the woods", why not, belly of the woods, or perhaps head..why not? Where did the expression even come from? We could start saying "..if you're ever in my head of the forest..." English is so arbitrary.

Well, have a great solstice. Shed any baggage you're toting around, cuz that's what full moon's are great at..helping you shed..and having such a big deal one so close to the end of the year s pretty significant. This Moon is in gemini, btw.

My angel card from Findhorn's website is creativity.Check it out my whole " I and I will see you through", in spades!
Findhorn is an intentional community in the north of Scotland. An amazing place. Eileen is one of the founders of the place.

Eileen Caddy's Daily Guidance: Guidance for 21 December

Learn to live beyond yourself and your own strength and ability, so that those people around you can see with their own eyes that it is I working in and through you. In this way, those souls who have no faith and belief will come to know Me, not by many words, but by a life direct and demonstrated. Unless you live in this way, you are not acknowledging that I AM your guide and companion and that you have dedicated your life completely to Me and to My service. You have to take your feet off the bottom and swim out into the deep unknown in absolute faith and confidence, knowing that no harm will befall you because I AM with you. You will never know whether it all is so unless you are willing to do something about it. Cease playing safe and let Me show you what can happen when you let go and allow Me to take over and use you as I will.

Courage and risk-taking are 2 qualities of very creative and successful people and organizations.

Courage; from French coeur, heart. the last line of the " daily guidance" says it all,"Cease playing safe and let Me show you what can happen when you let go and allow Me to take over and use you as I will." In other words, leap with your heart and let the Universe catch you. It's scary stuff, trusting completely, but if we don't, we stay stuck in "safety", never having taken chances.

Happy Leaping, and wishing!


  1. Happy Solstice! I wish I could see the lunar eclipse well from my head of the forest >:)

  2. You're so used my new expression head of the forest, :)!!! But all the same, I missed it,a s it turns out. It was Monday night, not last night, but it was unclear to me. That sucks a lot.
