Near the Old Man of Storr, Scotland I took this in 2004

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Good News

 Some good news, on the animal rights front...

On November 28th, Israel banned  the declawing of domestic felines!!!
What a huge step that is!
 Here's the link to the article:
Here in Canada, we have not yet opened our eyes wide enough to encompass all beings.
Here is my petition  asking the Canadian Government to include animal rights in our Constitution.
My Loki, being adora-ball( get it, she's a little ball)


  1. Good on Israel, West Hollywood banned declawing a few years ago with several cities following, but still a few to go. Keep the fight going! BTW your cat is too cute

  2. I know, yay to Israel indeed. I wish Canada, or even just Toronto were that forward as W. Hollywood, et al. My cat is not only too cute but she knows it too:)
