Near the Old Man of Storr, Scotland I took this in 2004

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It's a dark and blustery early fall evening. took my first "sick" day, today since starting my job.
I cried too much last night about my grandmother, who hasn't eaten in days, and is lying in the hospital wasting away or just waiting..It's beyond awful.

I wrote to my class to tell them class was cancelled and not one of the 6 emails I got were even vaguely considerate, just selfish shit asking about themselves. Nothing new.

I feel like I should meet Winnie the Pooh any second, cuz it's so blustery. My kitten's curled up on my bed.


  1. A very Blustery day..Happy Winds Day!
    I'm so sorry to hear about your grammy. :( I'm sending her lots of good thoughts and wishes for health.
    Just remember you do have considerate friend, even if shes all the way in California.
    Sending you lots of huggs

  2. Thanks a lot for your kind thoughts and virtual hugs! :)
